Our services
FedEx Services
FedEx is the preferred express mail and small package carrier of USC. FedEx offers the university preferred discounted pricing. Please utilize FedEx as your first choice when mailing material which requires express or ground services.
FedEx is available for overnight and ground services throughout all 50 states, with additional fees for Saturday and rural areas. Services offered include:
- Priority
- Standard
- 2-Day
- Express Saver
- First Overnight
Mailing Services picks up outgoing domestic or international FedEx items during regular departmental pick-ups. The items must have either a FedEx account number or an Outgoing Mail Requisition. Packaging materials and supplies are available at the Mail Stop or from fedex.com
Additional information can be found on the FedEx Logistics page.
The preferred method of payment is the university Procurement Card (P-Card). It is the responsibility of each department to review and pay all FedEx invoices in a timely manner, ideally within 20 days of the invoice date. Departments should immediately dispute erroneous Invoice charges with FedEx.
Mailing Services reviews a monthly report submitted by FedEx referencing all invoices that were not paid in accordance with the terms of service (30 days). Mailing Services sends an email to each department informing them of their past due invoices. If payment has not been made 45 days after the due date, a P-Card must be linked to the account for automatic payment. If the past due amount has not been paid in 60 days, the account will be removed from the USC FedEx National Account and retail rates will apply.
Want to find the zone you are shipping to? Click here to view the FedEx Zone Locator.
Terms of service for USC FedEx National Account
The discounted rates for the USC FedEx National Account are based on all invoices being paid within the terms of the contract. The payment term for the USC FedEx National Account is 30 days.
FedEx does not offer discounted rates for FedEx Same Day or FedEx First Overnight; however, both options are available through the USC FedEx National Account. Please contact FedEx at 800-399-5999 for rates and times regarding local and out of area delivery.
Additional information can be found on the FedEx Rates page.
Outgoing Mail Requisition option
In lieu of creating a FedEx account or using a P-Card, departments can prepare a FedEx airbill and use an Outgoing Mail Requisition for payment.
Additional information can be found on the FedEx Logistics page.
FedEx contacts
- FedEx Ship Manager: 877-339-2774 (website technical support)
- FedEx Revenue Services: 800-622-1147
- Account/billing questions
- Credit card updates (option 3)
- FedEx Central Dispatch: 213-741-2412
- Missed or late pick-ups
- Other operational issues
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