Shops and Hours
Over 104,000 square feet to shop, dine, exercise, and unwind. Convenient validated parking. Unique dining experiences, shops, and services.
For hours of operation visit The Shops at USC Village!
Leasing and Tenant Support
Interested in becoming part of the legacy that is USC Village? Anchored by Trader Joe’s, Target and a 30,000 square foot Fitness Center, USC Village offers a unique opportunity for commerce beyond the ordinary. Contact Bridget McGarey at bridget@themcgareygroup.com to learn more about the new center of gravity for the campus, University Park and the emerging neighborhoods surrounding Downtown Los Angeles. Learn more
For tenant support please contact Marlon Selga at mselga@athena-pm.com, USC Village Property Manager.
Bridget McGarey
The McGarey Group
Contact Us About Leasing
If you are interested in leasing at USC Village, please contact The McGarey Group or fill out the form below.