Post Office Boxes

The Mail Stop offers small and large Post Office (P.O.) boxes for rental to students, faculty and staff. They are also available for USC organizations and departments for special events. P.O. box rentals cannot be shared. Mail will be accepted only for the name indicated on the application.

While USC organizations and departments may rent P.O. boxes for special events, they may not be used to replace a department’s regular mail delivery. Additionally, P.O. boxes at the Mail Stop may not be used for a business address or any commercial activities. Please refer to the Rental and Regulations Agreement (see Related Documents, located at the bottom of this page).

The rental period for P.O. boxes is September 1 through August 31 of the following year. Payment must be made in full at the time of rental and is prorated based on the month you request to rent the box. Mail is forwarded during the summer to the address indicated on the application, or you can request that your mail be held until your return.

P.O. boxes will be cancelled due to nonpayment or for nonrenewal. Mail is forwarded for 1 month from the date the box was cancelled to the address indicated on the Renewal Form (see Related Documents, located at the bottom of this page). If there is no Renewal Form on file, your mail will be returned to the sender.

All forms and documents pertaining to Mail Stop P.O. boxes can be found under Related Documents located at the bottom of this page.

Related Documents

Renewal Form (2024)

P.O. Box Application (includes the Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent and Rental and Regulations Agreement)

Summer Mail Forwarding Form (2023)