Events Planning 2024
FPM Events Department takes pride in offering quality service to assist campus departments, student organizations, and external customers with all aspects of event planning and related estimating services. Planning events can be a long and tedious process and by working in partnership with other USC departments, we help clients organize successful events and help ensure that all events adhere to university protocol. Additionally, we are responsible for coordinating FPM crews for campus events to ensure efficiency, cost effectiveness and timeliness of service.
Plan an Event
Requirements for all types of events. Please complete ALL steps below.
Cost Breakdown for Events:
- Basic Zones Cost Breakdown
- Heavy Equipment Cost Breakdown
- Basic Electrical Cost Breakdown
- IR-ATH Cost Breakdown
- SPS Events Delivery Charges
USC Materials Standards
The following information lays out standards for to-go food and beverage materials at USC. All service-ware must either be REUSABLE, COMPOSTABLE or RECYCLABLE (as defined for USC below).
Definitions for USC Events
Name | Definition |
Compostable | Uncoated papers (cellulose fibers such as trees, bagasse, potato, banana leaf) – NO glossy, colored or waxed paper products. – NO compostable PLA- #7 plastics – Materials must be Certified Compostable. Acceptable product certifications include: ASTM D-6400, BPI, Cedar Grove |
Recyclable | Clean and empty paper, metal, and glass materials. Single-use plastic beverage bottles are prohibited in compliance with USC’s Single-use Plastic Elimination–Beverage Bottles Policy. |
Reusables | Items made from durable materials that are washable and can be used multiple times (e.g., refillable bottles or cups). |
Compliance Checklist
Reusable/refillable food and beverage options should be used whenever possible.
Office Hours:
Open: Monday – Friday 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Closed: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
For after-hours and urgent requests, Call CRC (24/7). Emergency calls cannot be processed via web.
- University Park (UPC) 213-740-6833
- Health Sciences (HSC) 821-224-8005
- Events Planning Office
Event Planning Diagrams
Campus Map
- Bogardus Courtyards (1)
- Breeze Way (between HOH & BRI)
- Fisher Museum Courtyard
- Flora L. Thornton Courtyard 1
- Gabilan Courtyard
- Gavin Herbert Plaza
- Ground Zero Cafe – Trojan Hall
- Herklotz Plaza
- Jaques Plaza
- Lewis Hall – Popovich by Childs Way
- Mudd Hall of Philosophy Courtyard
- Queens Courtyard
- Stever Courtyard (GER Courtyard)
- Student Union – Tommy Trojan
- Town and Gown Courtyard
- University Religious Center Courtyard
- VHE Courtyard and Breezeway
- DMC Courtyard
- Zumberg Hall of Sciences Courtyard
- Allyson Felix Field
- Brittingham Field (1)
- Brittingham Field (2)
- Dedeaux Field
- Howard Jones Field
- Howard Jones Field, Brittingham Field, Cromwell Field
HSC Maps
- Broad Center Lawn (BCC)
- Broad CRIM Center (BCC)
- Center for the Health Professions Building (CHP)
- CHP Patio
- Harlyne J. Norris Cancer Research Center (NRT)
- Hoffman Medical Research Center (HMR)
- HSC Harry and Celeste Pappas Upper and Lower Quad
- HSC KAM Entrance
- Keith Administration Building (KAM)
- Soto Street Building (SSB)
Misc Locations
- ADM Portico (Bovard Entrance)
- Ground Zero Cafe – Trojan Hall
- HOH & BRI Breeze Way (between HOH & BRI)
- Leavey Library Entrance
- Lewis Hall
- Lyon Center Entrance
- Lyon Center Main Gym
- McDonalds Swimming Pool
- Pardee Plaza
- PED (Meyer Plaza)
- RGL Courtyard
- RHM Courtyard
- Robert Wood Plaza
- RTH110
- SCA Complex
- SCA Courtyard
- SCA East Lobby
- SCA West Lobby
- SOS East Lawn
- Stauffer Hall Patio
- Stever Courtyard (GER Courtyard)
- Storm and Dunmoyer’s Green
- Student Union – Tommy Trojan
- TCC Ballroom
- TCC Meeting Room 450
- Town and Gown Courtyard
- University Religious Center Courtyard
- VHE Courtyard and Breezeway
- VKC Courtyard
- Zumberg Hall of Sciences Courtyard
Parking Lots
- ACC Lawn
- AHF SW Corner
- Alumni Park
- Associates Park
- CAS Lawn
- DML (East Side)
- DML (South Lawn)
- E.F. Hutton Park
- Founders Park (1)
- Founders Park (2)
- Fred D. Fagg Jr. Gardens
- Great Lawn at USC Village
- Hahn Plaza
- JKP (Popovich Hall) South East Lawn
- Law Center Lawn (1)
- Law Center Lawn (2)
- Lawn in front of SCI
- Leavey Library
- Leavey Library (North Lawn)
- McCarthy Quad
- McCarthy Quad (dimensions)
- McClintock Lawn at USC Village
- Ramo Hall (South Lawn)
- Ramo Hall of Music
- SCA Park Area
- Storm and Dunmoyer’s Green (Fagg Garden)
- Alumni Plaza
- Argue Plaza
- Crocker Plaza
- DRB Patio
- Epstein Family Plaza (E-Quad)
- Fernow Mcmaster
- Gavin Herbert Plaza
- Hahn Plaza
- Hecuba
- Herklotz Plaza
- Jaques Plaza
- Ogasawara Plaza : Pano
- Pardee Plaza
- PED (Meyer Plaza)
- Suryan Plaza
- Village Plaza